Dark Days of Winter in Finland


Hello my name is Sanara I live in the far north of Finland and an old farmhouse in a small Countryside Village of 25 people I create photographs videos and music inspired by this wild Nordic nature I get to live surrounded with.

I’m drinking hot black currant juice this is I made this myself from our own yards black currants in the summertime I’ve been a little sick in the past days so this is just a perfect remedy for a sore throat and it smells so good ah ooh that’s good I’ve been meaning to do these for ages now these all I have knitted um in the past Summer and Autumn but I haven’t weaved in the ends this is a thing that I really don’t like as you can see they’re like 10 15 something like pieces here but I just haven’t finished.

I need a lot of like Woolen socks and Woolen mittens we need a lot of these because we have really cold floors and just it’s a cold winter so I need to do this now and I thought that this would be a perfect time a little bit black currant juice and let’s [Music] go [Music] this is a really dark time of the year right now because it’s now about about 4ish p.m. and as you can see it’s pitch black dark outside so this nights get quite long that’s why I’m trying to make all of these stuff that I didn’t have time to do when it was summertime and we spent most of our time outside but now I have a lot of time just to stay inside and do all of these things that I just had to put aside so now is the perfect time [Music] four done 20 something to go I’m going to spare you this boring process and I’m going to show you when these are done so I’ll see you maybe in a week no it’s going to take me this evening maybe tomorrow a bit but I’ll show you the end result bye-bye.

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